Justin Trudeau said marijuana is going to be legal… So can I smoke weed now?

Cannabis (marijuana) still remains a Schedule II drug under the Controlled Drug and Substances Act. This means that, unless regulated for production and distribution for medical purposes, possessing and selling cannabis is illegal in Canada. Smoking weed is a form of possession, as such, you could be criminally liable for possessing it.

Until new legislation and rules are in place, current laws remain in force and should be obeyed, even if they will be changing. The government has committed to legalize, strictly regulate and restrict access to cannabis for non-medical purposes. Cannabis will still be illegal for youth (it will be similar to the drinking age) and trafficking will also still be illegal. The law is changing – specifically to prevent illegal profits and the use by youth.

If you have been charged with possession of marijuana or possession for the purpose of trafficking, give us a call and we can help you with your charges.


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