What is the London drug treatment court?

The London Drug Treatment Court (LDTC) is a project aiming to keep long-term drug addicts from serving time in jail, help them get clean, and prevent future involvement with the criminal justice system. It provides supervised addiction treatment for people addicted to cocaine, crack, methamphetamines, and opiates. Instead of serving jail time, participants receive a non-custodial sentence and a period of probation following the successful completion of the program.

The process begins with a lawyer referring their client to the LDTC. If this client is accepted into the LDTC, they become part of an outpatient addiction treatment program and must appear in front of the LDTC judge once a week. Among other things, they are expected to attend medical, housing, and social services appointments, abide by a curfew, and do volunteer work. Many participants find the program very rewarding.

Individuals must meet certain eligibility requirements in order to qualify for the LDTC program. These criteria are related to the nature of the charge and the individual’s history of drug use. We can help you determine if you are a good candidate for the London Drug Treatment Court and if a referral should be made.


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